缘起:2016 年双十一,剁手买了一个水货华硕 RT-AC68U(TM-AC1900),刚到手就过了一把刷机瘾——升级到当时梅林固件(Asuswrt-Merlin)最新版本 380.63。刷机包 30MB+,花了几分钟才升级完,真担心运气不好会突然间停电——刷机过程中断电会很悲剧,可能会永远变砖……
「华硕 RT-AC68U(ASUS TM-AC1900)梅林固件 使用教程记录:https://ostarted.com/158」华硕 RT-AC68U 梅林初体验
外包装 TM-AC 1900
「华硕 RT-AC68U(ASUS TM-AC1900)梅林固件 使用教程记录:https://ostarted.com/158」箱内(实际比这个多了两个风扇和一个送的无线网卡)
「华硕 RT-AC68U(ASUS TM-AC1900)梅林固件 使用教程记录:https://ostarted.com/158」背面(WAN 口、4 LAN 口、USB2.0+USB3.0、电源开关、指示灯开关……)
「华硕 RT-AC68U(ASUS TM-AC1900)梅林固件 使用教程记录:https://ostarted.com/158」安装上风扇后(这两个 USB 散热小风扇,夜深人静的时候,噪音还是挺大的)
68U + 单宽带双线双拨
以前电信宽带可以单线双拨,梅林固件自带双线路(双 WAN)功能,很方便。下面是以前折腾记录:
环境:100M 广东电信光纤、新邮通-T103H 光猫、水货华硕 RT-AC68U(TM-AC1900)。
这个新邮通-T103H 光猫有四个 LAN 口,其中一个(默认 LAN2)供 IPTV 用,另外三个随便选两个分别接到 RT-AC68U(TM-AC1900)的 WAN 口和第二个 WAN 口(LAN4)。
方法源自互联网。PC 网线连接光猫 LAN 口,手动设置 IP 地址为 192.168.1.xxx,浏览器打开 即可进入光猫登陆页面。
登录后修改光猫 LAN 口绑定:
在光猫管理页面打开『网络』->『宽带设置』->『Internet 连接』,『连接名称』里一般有 5 个选项,分别是:『4_INTERNET_B_VID_1002』,『3_Other_B_VID_43』,『2_VOIP_R_VID_4050』,『1_TR069_VOIP_R_VID_45』,还有一个就是『新建 WAN 连接』。(前面的数字和顺序可能不一样,也可能有些没有)
_VID_ 后面的数字是 VLAN ID 值,各个地方可能不同。一定要记下这个 VLAN ID 值,不然会很麻烦。有的地方 VLAN ID 是相同的,有的地方每个都不相同,有的地方没有 VLAN ID。
这里把『连接名称』里『internet_B_VID』(一般是第四个)删除,然后『新建 WAN 连接』。
『IP 协议版本』:IPv4;
『端口绑定』选择除了 LAN2、SSID2(IPTV) 之外的所有选项;
『VLAN』:UNTAG(如有 VID,请根据实际修改)
开启双线路(WAN):这里选择 LAN4 口作为第二个物理 WAN 口,模式:负载均衡,因为是同一根光纤,负载均衡设置为 1:1 即可。
选择切换需要配置的 WAN 口
PPPoE 配置(注意:两个 WAN 口 MAC 地址不能相同)
68U 初体验结语
唯一惊喜是双拨成功了,不过其实用得也不多,毕竟不是下载大户,也很少网上看视频,其它的没有太大感觉。外加的两个散热风扇有点吵,散热效果也还行,2.4G 和 5G 温度 40~50+°C,CPU 60°C 左右。 有些配置修改后保存会比较慢,刷机/升级时间比较长,所以轻易还是别折腾为妙。
梅林没有定时开关访客网络功能(主 WIFI 网络倒是可以设置定时开关)。
准备工作:启用 jffs——系统管理 -> 系统设置 -> Persistent JFFS2 partition -> Enable JFFS custom scripts and configs。接着打开 SSH,方便通过 WinSCP 传输文件到路由器。
建立一个空白文件,我这里用了 .sh 后缀,取名 GuestWIFIOn.sh,其实没有后缀也可以,编码 utf-8。写入下面的代码并保存。
nvram set wl0.1_bss_enabled=1
nvram set wl0.1_radio=1
nvram commit
service restart_wireless
nvram set wl0.1_bss_enabled=0
nvram set wl0.1_radio=0
nvram commit
service restart_wireless
两个文件通过 WinSCP 传输到路由器的 /jffs/scripts 目录下,记得权限改为 0755。接着在 wan-start 文件里添加下面的代码:
cru a Start-Guest-WIFI "00 08 * * * /jffs/scripts/GuestWIFIOn.sh"
cru a Stop-Guest-WIFI "00 22 * * * /jffs/scripts/GuestWIFIOff.sh"
这个方法有个缺点:执行开启和关闭访客网络脚本的时候,主 WIFI 信号也会断一下(目测中断时间在半分钟以内)
华硕梅林定时开关访客网络 参考资料
0、Setting a random password for guest wifi▼展开
I found an easier way (for me) to manage my kid's WiFi access. I enable/disable guest networks via a small script that my wife and I can run from a term app on our phones. The networks then automatically turn off via a cron set to run in the evening. This way, they don't have to "forget the network" and retype a password every day. Also, if I want to turn off their WiFi at some point during the day, I just run the script with "off" as an argument instead of "on".
# Turn on/off kid's wifi for 16 hours
if [ $1 = "on" ]; then
nvram set wl0.1_bss_enabled=1
nvram set wl0.1_expire_tmp=57600
service restart_wireless
elif [ $1 = "off" ]; then
nvram set wl0.1_bss_enabled=0
nvram set wl0.1_expire_tmp=0
service restart_wireless
echo "Invalid parameter! Acceptable parameters are ON or OFF"
1、Script to switch on or off a VLAN (guest wireless)▼展开
turns the virtual wireless interface off but it has a "small" side effect: it also turns the real interface wl0 off at the same time! So if you try to manipulate the virtual interface wl0.1 with wl remember that it's always bound to the actual interface. So this is not a solution.
However I guess if you have another wireless interface wl1 (e.g. 5 Ghz) you could use wl to change wl0.1 without side effects to wl1. But I don't have such a router now at hand so I can't test this. And it would still mess up wl0.
I now also see why wl0.1_bss_enabled is used in the original script. It's just trying to simulate the behaviour of the Tomato GUI. I checked what changes in the nvram when you enable and disable guest wifi from the GUI. And the result is that wl0.1_bss_enabled and wl0.1_radio go hand in hand.
So the only issue I have with the original script is the echo which is like shouting at the sky 🙂
So here's an improved version of the script (which also fixes the incorrect usage of the term VLAN):
if [ $(nvram get wl0.1_radio) -eq 0 ]; then
nvram set wl0.1_bss_enabled=1
nvram set wl0.1_radio=1
nvram commit
service wireless restart
logger -t "custom script" -p info "Button pressed: guest wifi turned ON"
nvram set wl0.1_bss_enabled=0
nvram set wl0.1_radio=0
nvram commit
service wireless restart
logger -t "custom script" -p info "Button pressed: guest wifi turned OFF"
Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
2、Time-of-Day limits on Guest access▼展开
# #
# Start / Stop Guest WIFI #
# L. de Bles, 2014 #
# #
# Called via init-start #
# #
# 2.4 Ghz Radio #
# wl0.1 ---> Guest Network 1 #
# wl0.2 ---> Guest Network 2 #
# wl0.3 ---> Guest Network 3 #
# #
# 5 Ghz Radio #
# wl1.1 ---> Guest Network 1 #
# wl1.2 ---> Guest Network 2 #
# wl1.3 ---> Guest Network 3 #
# #
# start: enabled=1
# stop: enabled=0
nvram set wl0.1_bss_enabled=0
service restart_wireless
# #
# Start / Stop Guest WIFI #
# L. de Bles, 2014 #
# #
# Called via init-start #
# #
# 2.4 Ghz Radio #
# wl0.1 ---> Guest Network 1 #
# wl0.2 ---> Guest Network 2 #
# wl0.3 ---> Guest Network 3 #
# #
# 5 Ghz Radio #
# wl1.1 ---> Guest Network 1 #
# wl1.2 ---> Guest Network 2 #
# wl1.3 ---> Guest Network 3 #
# #
# start: enabled=1
# stop: enabled=0
nvram set wl0.1_bss_enabled=0
service restart_wireless
Example is for wl0.1 (Guest Network 1 2,4Ghz)
Create cronjobs with help of init-start script
# L. de Bles, 2014
# * * * * * command to execute
# - - - - -
# | | | | |
# | | | | |
# | | | | +----- day of week (0 - 7) (0 to 6 are Sunday to Saturday, or use names; 7 is Sunday,
# | | | +------- month (1 - 12)
# | | +--------- day of month (1 - 31)
# | +----------- hour (0 - 23)
# +------------- min (0 - 59)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cru a Start-Guest-WIFI "00 09 * * * /jffs/scripts/guest_wifi_start.sh"
cru a Stop-Guest-WIFI "00 17 * * * /jffs/scripts/guest_wifi_stop.sh"
Place all (three) scripts in /jffs/scripts.
Don't forget to chmod a+rx /jffs/scripts/*
After rebooting the router guest wifi starts and stops. Last edited: Aug 25, 2014 __________________
RT-AC88U Merlin 380.64 (Main router)
RT-AC68U Merlin 380.64 (AP mode)
**One SSID **Different Channels **Total coverage at 2,4 and 5 GHz
nvram set wl0.1_bss_enabled=1
nvram set wl0.1_expire_tmp=10800
nvram commit
service restart_wireless
1. 不用重启开关所有无线,包括主无线跟访客无线
wl -i eth1 radio off
wl -i eth1 radio on
wl -i eth1 up
wl -i eth1 down
wl -i eth2 radio off
wl -i eth2 radio on
wl -i eth2 up
wl -i eth2 down
2. 需要重启才有效的单独开关访客无线
2.4G nvram set wl0.1_bss_enabled=0 关
nvram set wl0.1_bss_enabled=1 开
nvram commit
5G nvram set wl1.1_bss_enabled=0 关
nvram set wl1.1_bss_enabled=1 开
nvram commit
3. 不用重启断开访客无线,但是人家还能搜的到的,能连的上就是上不了网
关闭 2.4 访客:ifconfig wl0.1 down 或者 ip link set wl0.1 down
启动 2.4 访客:ifconfig wl0.1 up 或者 ip link set wl0.1 up(这条重启后,访客限速脚本失效,要重新运行)
关闭 5G 访客:ifconfig wl1.1 down 或者 ip link set wl1.1 down
开启 5G 访客:ifconfig wl1.1 up 或者 ip link set wl1.1 up(这条重启了之后,访客限速脚本失效,要重新运行)
华硕路由器/梅林固件设置解决智能设备 2.4G WiFi 经常掉线离线问题
关键点:停用「无线传输公平性」和「通用 Beamforming」。实测,还是会断流,但是稳定点。(心理作用?)
关闭 - 无线传输公平性 (Airtime Fairness)
关闭 - 通用 Beamforming (Universal Beamforming)
停用 - Wi-Fi Agile Multiband
关闭 - WMM APSD //省电相关的选项,但有时能解决部分信号干扰或断连问题
华硕 AC68U CPU 散热加铜片
无意中发现 CPU 温度日常稳定在 82°C 左右,可是买回来的时候加了两个散热风扇,CPU 温度一般稳定在 60°C 左右。看了一下风扇虽然还在转,但是灰尘满满,风也进不去路由器。
以前就看到别人改造散热,CPU 那里导热垫片改成铜片就能降到 60°C 左右,于是淘宝买了几片铜片和硅脂,还有导热垫片。铜片尺寸:15*15*0.8mm(厚),导热垫片建议 1mm(散热器与屏蔽罩)和 2mm(用在无线散热)。
左边无线屏蔽罩,右边 CPU 屏蔽罩,只有三小块导热垫连接铝散热片,真抠门。
揭开屏蔽罩,里面也只有三块导热垫,2.4G、5G、CPU 各一块。
2.4G、5G 芯片没有改铜片,只是换掉了导热垫(1.5 刚刚能接触到屏蔽罩,2mm 应该适合)。CPU 涂上硅脂,换上 0.8mm 铜片,铜片和屏蔽罩相应位置也涂上一层硅脂。屏蔽罩与铝散热片之间的导热垫也换掉了,1mm 应该刚刚好,面积可以大一点。换铜片效果可能会更好,不过怕会掉下去……
改铜片,拆掉外置风扇,有点效果。室温 32°C;开机 5 分钟,53°C;10 分钟 68°C;50 分钟 73°C,120 分钟 74°C;6 小时 75°C。
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