免责声明:所有信息/资源均收集转载自网络,仅供参考,解压及网盘密码 1024
刚才打开 OneKey Card 网站出现 Bad gateway Error code 502,开始以为是网站系统故障,目前收到邮件通知说是 Website temporarily unavailable due to DDOS attack,工程师目前处理中。
「OneKey Card 网站被 DDoS:https://ostarted.com/309」以下是官方邮件通知摘录:
Dear OneKey Card Users,
Our website is suffering from a DDOS attack.
「OneKey Card 网站被 DDoS:https://ostarted.com/309」Your funds are safe and your cards are currently working as usual.
Our engineers are working to resolve the issue and access to the site will be restored later today.
Kind regards,
「OneKey Card 网站被 DDoS:https://ostarted.com/309」Patrick Choo
Product Lead
「OneKey Card 网站被 DDoS:https://ostarted.com/309」亲爱的 OneKey Card 用户,
我们正在遭遇 DDOS 攻击。
2023-06-15:19:55 看样子已经恢复访问了。
更多 Onekey Card 资料:
- 又一个ChatGPT跨境支付虚拟卡方案
- OneKey Card 停服更新维护中~
- 如何在支付宝上使用 OneKey Card?
- OneKey Card 邀请码
- OneKey Card 现已支持使用 USDT 充值
OneKey Card 官网链接:https://card.onekey.so
OneKey Card 目前公测中,认证需要填写 OneKey Card 邀请码:TQOWOR
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